Custom-made anti-corona cough screen made of PVC window film


Custom anti-Corona cough screens

Due to the current situation with Corona, we tend to have to adapt to the situation. Now with the measures such as washing hands well, we also have to use the 1,5 meter policy. However, this is not always possible. Due to lack of space or because the situation does not matter, it is not possible in your company to work 1.5 meters apart or you feel that you have to go the extra mile to take preventive precautions. As a company you have to think about the well-being of your employees and/or customers and the Anti-Corona cough screen custom made is a simple solution for this. The Anti-Corona cough screen is made of transparent PVC window film and is available in several sizes. We are therefore happy to tailor-make the prevention screen for you. For this we ask you to contact us so that we can discuss the price and desired dimensions with you. We like to think along with you. The standard size is 137 cm wide by 150 cm long.

Buy Anti-Corona cough screens?

Are you interested in the prevention screens for your company or private person? We offer these cough screens in two variants. The Anti-Corona cough screen with Zoom is a prevention screen that contains a zoom on the top and bottom of the screen in which a tube can be installed in order to hang the screen. The Anti-Corona cough screen with Ring is a prevention screen that contains rings at the top and bottom of the screen with which the splash screen can be hung.

Do you have questions about the dimensions, material or mounting options of the custom Anti-Corona cough screen? Please feel free to contact us. We can be reached by phone at: +31546-454788. If you prefer to send a message, we can be reached via Whatsapp on: 06-406 129 77 or send an email to:


Prevention screen to protect the corona virus. The Anti-Corona cough screen is available in several sizes. We would like to ask you to contact us to discuss the price and sizes with us.

Excl. mounting material.

Phone number: +31546-454788

WhatsApp: +316- 406 129 77

Email address: